Lean Working

Leaner working means making small, gradual changes in processes to improve the speed, efficiency and quality of the products or services delivered to the customer. This is not a quick fix. This isn’t a short-term method but should be considered a work philosophy for evolving improvement. As we live in a fast-paced environment, it is now more essential than ever for businesses to be able to improve and adapt to meet growing customer demand.

  1. Increased productivity

Applying lean methods involves removing tasks that don’t add value to customers or are wasteful. The collection of unnecessary data, producing goods that are not required, down time caused by a slow system and time spent searching for things are just a few examples of non-value-added activities or waste.

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  1. Smooth operation

After the non-value-added activities have been removed from the process, the focus is on creating value-added measures that allow a smooth flow without interruption, delay, or congestion.

  1. Greater flexibility and responsiveness

With a more efficient process, you will be better able to meet the demands of customers. And with the right tools at your disposal, you will be in a good position to resolve issues when they occur and reduce downtime. Tools include the use of IFA back office software from a site like Intelliflo, leading suppliers of IFA back office software.

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  1. Eliminate defects

Mistakes mean rework and repetition means wasted money, time and the danger of not getting your product to the end customer on time. Many actions involved in a lean philosophy are aimed at getting rid of defects so that products and services are right the first time, every time.

Kei Taylor


Exploring life's joys & inspirations through a woman's lens. Empowering and embracing every moment. Join me on a journey of style, wellness & more

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