Some of the Most Popular Alliums to Add to your Garden

As we approach Autumn, it is now the time to start doing the work to create beautiful floral displays in the Spring of next year. This is the time to start planting bulbs in your garden ready for next year, and something which is popular due to the beautiful appearance and wide variety available is the allium.

These globe-like beauties are a really striking addition to a garden and are also well loved by both bees and butterflies so they are perfect for a nature friendly garden too. There are so many types of alliums available from garden centres like this Online Garden Centre Kent , that it may be hard to decide which to go for. Here is a guide to some of the popular varieties that are available…

One of the earliest blooming varieties of allium which is easy to grow is the Allium Karataviense. It has pinky white delicate flowers shaped like a star, and can be planted in pretty much any garden, but prefers a sheltered spot. It also has a strong smell of onions.

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His excellency is a very tall allium which will really be a striking addition to the garden. Growing to a height of around fifty inches, this is a popular choice with many gardeners looking for a hardy but eye-catching plant. With beautiful bluey purple flowers, this blooms in the late spring to early summer.

For those that like a large bulbous topped allium, go for Globemaster. Stunning purple clusters of bright purple flowers make up the top of this beautiful giant, and although it doesn’t not grow as tall as his excellency, the large top more than makes up for this!

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A delicate and pretty allium, Graceful Beauty is aptly named. Tiny white star shaped flowers have purple coloured stamens and make this a summer stunner. Smaller in both height and the size of the umbels than many other varieties, this pretty little plant is not one to be overlooked.

A more unusual looking allium, with a name that is a bit of a mouthful, is the Nectaroscordum Siculum. This has pretty flowers in a deep pinky red that seem to nod from the umbels rather than forming a globe shape like most other allium varieties. It will enjoy being part of a sunny border, and flowers around May and June.

A hardy variety of allium which produces pretty white flowers is allium nigrum, also known as black garlic. It is particularly striking as part of a gravel garden when planted with ornamental grasses and enjoys areas of full sun. The flowers are also good for cutting and bringing in to brighten up your home!

Atropurpureum is a deep maroon purple colour and rather than having the typical globular shape, it is more of a half sphere being flatter on the top. If you have pots rather than beds this is a great choice for you, and looks particularly stunning grown in large clumps for a gorgeous splash of colour.

Kei Taylor


Exploring life's joys & inspirations through a woman's lens. Empowering and embracing every moment. Join me on a journey of style, wellness & more

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