Has your favorite suede bag stained you? We tell you how to clean it in record time so that it looks like new
If your precious suede bag has got dirty, don’t worry, we are going to give you some tips to make it look like new. The sooner you start removing the stain from your bag, the more options you will have so that there is no residue left. So keep reading and hurry up.
Picking up a wet cloth or the like and rubbing is not the solution. In this way you will only get a happy stain to remain fixed in your bag and that you have to say goodbye to it. Do not even think about giving it with any gel, stain remover or something similar, since you could spoil it. Therefore, what you have to do is dry clean it and if it is with a leather cloth, better than better.
- There are some brushes that are specifically responsible for removing these stains, but you may not have one, so we recommend that you use a toothbrush, because it can also help you. And if you can’t find one either, an eraser can be very useful.
- When you are working with the stain, do not forget to always rub in the opposite direction to the hairs in the bag. If you don’t do it correctly, you may have to say goodbye to your suede forever.
- We advise not to moisten the stain, but if you have already tried everything and it does not come out, you must apply a little white vinegar, but only exclusively where the imperfection is. So when you spray it, also follow the guidelines we’ve given you earlier.
- You have chosen one solution or another, you should leave your bag outdoors and do not apply any heat to it. So take it easy, leave it out and have Mother Nature give you a cable.
- When you’re finally done, buy yourself a spray to protect your bag. The skin will appreciate it and you will see that it is as good as new.
- And if none of our tips has fixed the stain, don’t worry. Go to a dry cleaner, they will be able to save the ante if it has not yet reached catastrophe level.
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