What Should You Check for When Buying an Older Property?

When you are looking for a house to buy, there are lots of properties in the UK that are on the older side. These are appealing for many reasons – many people prefer the quirks of an older home to new build properties, and also many older homes will have features that make the home a little more unique.

Whether you want a property that has a history, or you just don’t like modern houses, then you will probably be looking at older style properties. However, when you are looking for an older home, it is important to be aware of some of the potential downfalls and be aware that because they are older there may be issues to sort out. Here are some of the problems areas to look out for when you are buying an older property…

Roof – When buying an older home, you should always inspect the roof. Roofs that have been built a long time ago and are not well maintained may have potential problems and issues such as holes which cause leaks, as well as needing to have expensive repair work done.

Check the material of the roof and ensure that as well as being watertight it is secure, as well as the guttering which can often be in need of some TLC on older buildings.

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Drains – Older properties will have older drainage systems, and this means that pipes may have degraded over the years and could be leaking, or drains could be blocked. It is a good idea to get a professional company like this CCTV drain surveys Reading based company https://www.drainpower.co.uk/drainage-services/cctv-drain-surveys/reading to take a look at the drainage in the property, as this means that you can get any repairs done before they become a big problem.

Structure – Older buildings could have structural problems, and this is why a detailed survey of the building is something that is recommended when you are buying a building that is on the older side. Look out for things like cracks which could indicate serious structural problems.

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Damp – Another issue that is commonly found in older properties is damp. You can often smell damp in a building, but you can also see it sometimes on walls, floors and around windows. Damp and mould are a big health risk, so do be on the lookout as it can be expensive to get rid of.

James Barnes


James Barnes is an experienced wedding organizer. He specialized in organizing outdoor wedding events. When he isn’t writing about weddings and marital life, David usually goes swimming or playing squash.

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