The service host windows update is the windows update which is helpful for the Windows Operating System. The information about the Windows updates is stored in the Service host process and it is mainly associated with the Internet Connection Sharing, Network Connections and Microsoft Networks.
Why the service host windows update occurs?

There are various reasons for the service host windows update, few of them are stated below.
Poorly written applications- The badly written applications which are not compatible with the Service Host Windows Update can cause this kind of problem. Poorly written drivers- Forced stop or crash of the driver in the Device Manager will automatically bring back this error message again and again.
Service Host Windows Update is very important for the PC user to keep their system update with latest version of software and security fixes.
Client Side Extensions- If you are facing some problem related to Network Connections, Internet Connection Sharing or Network Shares, then it is clear that you have this kind of error message.
Virus or malware- Virus infection or any kind of malware infection can make your system vulnerable and it is also responsible for the Service Host Windows Update.
How to fix service host windows update?
The best way to get rid of this problem from your PC is not to take tension about it, because the error message will automatically disappear whenever there would be a system update available. In order to get rid of the problem permanently, you can go for a complete system restore or reinstallation of Windows OS.
If the error message still appear again and again, then you should consider repairing your corrupted windows installation files using any third party software. It is easy with RegCure Pro, which automatically detects all sorts of Windows problems and fixes them within few minutes.
RegCure Pro uses advanced algorithms to repair all the broken, missing or corrupted files of your system, thus it automatically fix Service Host Windows Update.
Fixing SVCHOST High CPU Usage
After having this information about the Service host windows update, now I would like to share an easy tip for fixing the SVCHOST High CPU Usage.
Although there are different causes for the SVCHOST High CPU Usage error, but you can find something common between all of them which is- virus or malware infection. We have already discussed that virus or malware infection can make your system vulnerable to different problems and the SVCHOST error is one of them.
To fix this problem permanently, you need to take a complete system backup first. You can find the free version of RegCure Pro here which easily backs up all your files, pictures, videos and documents from the PC. It also fixes the SVCHOST High CPU Usage within few minutes.
Service Host Windows Update is one of the most annoying problem that you will get while using the Internet. If it occurs, then immediately take a backup of your system files just to be on safer side.